Friday, January 24, 2014

Turning 23

Nothing is sweeter than birthday wishes. One day of a year, I wake up with my sweetest smile...greatest energy knowing that many people remember my day.
I love gifts so much! who doesn't? But my most beautiful gift this year are wishes from Ibu, Bapak, Deadi, bf, and friends. 
Celebrating my birthday with calling special persons in my life, eating delicious foods, working passionately, and buying chic bag was so great.

Hello 23! I love turning 23 in 23th of January.
as my friend's wishes,
please come...tons of happiness, joy, and luck.
become a better person, greater mind, and a bigger heart.

Happy Birthday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Selamat ulang tahun Putu Gian Aryanti... :) , harapannya .. idem sama kata – kata diatas ya..., Doanya “ Semoga kebahagiaan selalu menyertai disepanjang usia mu.. Amin..”